Case study for JCM Project in Family Mart
The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) is a bilateral mechanism initiated by Japan to enable cooperating countries to use low-carbon technologies in their greenhouse gas reduction projects, with financial support from the Japanese government. The JCM is managed by a Joint Committee, which is composed of members from Japan and cooperating countries. The implementation of greenhouse gas reduction projects requires Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) to ensure the credibility of the greenhouse gas reduction. The Joint Committee endorses the methodology used to calculate the greenhouse gas reduction, registers and certifies the amount of greenhouse gas reduction achieved by the project, or carbon credits. The certified greenhouse gas reduction can be used to achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

We install inverter technology for refrigeration showcase.
PROJECT NAME: Energy Saving at Convenience Stores with High Efficiency Air-Conditioning and Refrigerated Showcase
By Central FamilyMart

We install inverter technology for Air Condition.
PROJECT NAME: Energy Saving at Convenience Stores with High Efficiency Air-Conditioning and Refrigerated Showcase
By Central FamilyMart